Shareholder’s Equity
Shareholder's equity, also known as owner's equity, represents the residual interest in a company's assets after its liabilities are subtracted. In other words, it is the amount of money that would be left over for shareholders if a company sold all of its assets and paid off all of its debts. Shareholder's equity is an important metric for investors and analysts, as it reflects the value of a company's investment in its own business. It is calculated by subtracting a company's total liabilities from its total assets, and can be broken down further into different components, such as common stock, preferred stock, and retained earnings. Common stock represents the portion of shareholder's equity that is attributable to the company's common shareholders, while preferred stock represents the portion that is attributable to preferred shareholders. Retained earnings, on the other hand, represent the portion of earnings that have been reinvested back into the company rather than paid out as dividends. Shareholder's equity is an important measure of a company's financial health and solvency. A company with a strong shareholder's equity position is generally seen as being more financially stable and better able to weather economic downturns or unexpected events. On the other hand, a company with a weak shareholder's equity position may be more vulnerable to financial distress or insolvency.